Selected Papers from 2009/2010
Seminar_BG is a biennial online journal for cultural studies, situated on the borderline of disciplines such as cultural anthropology, aesthetics, sociology, and media analysis. The aspiration of the editorial team is to render visible the invisible, to shift the researcher’s gaze from the traditional objects and problems to the new social processes and groups, to try to understand before passing judgment.
The central objects of interest are the new media and communications, popular culture, youth communities, consumer practices, the new forms of political and civil mobilizations, the transformations in the urban environment, contemporary art forms – processes evolving far too quickly to be conceptualized through the classical research tools.
This issue brings to the attention of our international readers a selection of papers from the first four thematic issues of the journal published in 2009 and 2010. The variety of topics, methods, and cases serves as a showcase of the journal’s interdisciplinary approach and innovative methodological framework. Instead of interpreting the culture of “still life” objects, navigating through the culture of flows.